Thursday, January 19, 2006
We're on our way!
The past few weeks have been wonderful. We're in the process of trying to conceive and our doctor and nurses have been great. Since our first visit to the Endocrinologist we've been on a multitude of drugs. you name it I feel like I'm on it. I take 5 large horse pills a day along with one small yellow one. The list of drugs inludes, prenatal vitamins, Metformin (sp), Clomid and a thyroid medicine that I don't remember the name to. I have a nice little pillbox to keep them all nice and organized; if it wasn't for the pillbox I'd be lost.
We've done multiple ultrasounds and blood tests this month all of which show that we are moving in the right direction. Today's tests were very positive in that they showed that the follicle we're waiting on is almost ready. We could be doing the insemination as soon as next week if not this weekend! I won't know that information for a few more hours so I'm nervous and excited to see if we can conceive and give birth to a baby!
More to come in the next few months, we're on our way!
We've done multiple ultrasounds and blood tests this month all of which show that we are moving in the right direction. Today's tests were very positive in that they showed that the follicle we're waiting on is almost ready. We could be doing the insemination as soon as next week if not this weekend! I won't know that information for a few more hours so I'm nervous and excited to see if we can conceive and give birth to a baby!
More to come in the next few months, we're on our way!
Monday, December 12, 2005
We're off to the Endocronologist or however it's spelled.
That's right the endo whatever you call her. Turns out this body that I inhabit does not have any hormones! Yep, I could of had unprotected sex my whole college career if I knew I wasn't gonna get pregnant! but I digress. Our first appointment is on Tuesday to meet the Doctor to find out our next plan of attack in the baby making department. I'm scared the drugs will entail needles but like my husband says, "honey you did so good with that spinal tap you can do this" so I'm sure I will be fine. If I can take an eight inch long needle shoved into the small of my back I can stick a needle in my butt. Actually, he'll be the one with my butt in his face giving the shot so that will be fun, :). The things you do for love.
Only 13 days until Christmas and with being short on cash it means we're short on presents, thank goodness it's payday on Friday!
Only 13 days until Christmas and with being short on cash it means we're short on presents, thank goodness it's payday on Friday!
Monday, November 28, 2005
Bax has Gas
Yep, the dog has his first bout of gas and boy does it a) STINKS and b) those sucker sneek up on you! We were sitting in the family room watching television when all of a sudden, whoosh a Bax Bomb! After confirming that it was neither myself or my husband we concluded that it had to be the dog. How does this happen? The only thing different in his diet would be the potato peels that he convienently picked up for me on Thursday and the new dog treats I made him...I really think it's the tators. I have since learned that raw tators are NOT good for dogs and this must be his way of punishing me for letting him be my personalized dog vacuum.
Aside from the dog farts (which continued into the night) the Thanksgiving weekend went great. The meal (my 2nd turkey in 31 years) went over fantasticly, my mistake lead to my fortune. Turns out that the legs of the turkey should be pointing up and not down when you cook it, did you know that? Well since I intended to cook it upside down in the first place but thought otherwise while rubbing it with butter, salt and pepper, I flipped it only to find out later when my parents came by that I had it wrong the whole time. Ah well it lead to a very moist turkey breast so I was the hero, yeah me, SUCCESS! Following dinner I spent the night taking money from my relatives during our poker game. Gotta love family!
Friday consisted of manic cookie baking, yep 7 different recipes of sorts and a TON of cookies later, I was exhausted, as were the other women in my family who helped. You would think that the exhaustion would lead us to our beds but nope, it lead us to the "not so great" movie theatre to see the fourth installment of the Harry Potter movies. I highly recommend this film, the screenwritter was able to fit a 400+ book into a 3 hour movie. Brilliant! It was way better then the third one and all of it's far away shots and scenery. Mad Eye Moody was by far my favorite part, had me laughing outloud.
The movie experience was not all it's cracked up to be and it just rehashed the reason why my husband and I do not like movie theatres, the people. The theatre was packed to the gills and we just happened to be sitting in front of the worlds loudest commentator. There weren't enough shhs or stares in the world that could stop this pint size menece, did I mention he was like 10! Um hello there's a reason it was PG-13 so that little twerps like that can't get in. It finally took a very loud shhh and a dirty look to get him to shut his trap. Our next movie venture will be to see RENT, my all time favorite broadway production. Let's just hope that little kid isn't there telling me all about how Mimi loves Roger but they both have baggage so they have to part ways and oh they both have AIDS.
Saturday was spent on the couch doing absolutly nothing which includes not getting out of our PJs. Afterall why would one want to go shopping in a mall during the Thanksgiving weekend when they could sit around and catch up on their tivo? Crazyness!
Sunday was yard day, that little bug that so joyfully shows up in my ass showed itself again on Sunday. Up and at em I'm ready to rake leaves. clean the yard, get my bulbs in and put up the Christmas lights but alas I'm stopped with "it rained last night". Bummer, so I thought heck with it, it's only a little wet, we can get the yard done. 4 hours and soaking wet later the yard was void of leaves and the bulbs were in. The Christmas lights will have to wait.
I hope everyone elses weekend was as good as ours. Now what do I do with all the leftovers! EEK!
Aside from the dog farts (which continued into the night) the Thanksgiving weekend went great. The meal (my 2nd turkey in 31 years) went over fantasticly, my mistake lead to my fortune. Turns out that the legs of the turkey should be pointing up and not down when you cook it, did you know that? Well since I intended to cook it upside down in the first place but thought otherwise while rubbing it with butter, salt and pepper, I flipped it only to find out later when my parents came by that I had it wrong the whole time. Ah well it lead to a very moist turkey breast so I was the hero, yeah me, SUCCESS! Following dinner I spent the night taking money from my relatives during our poker game. Gotta love family!
Friday consisted of manic cookie baking, yep 7 different recipes of sorts and a TON of cookies later, I was exhausted, as were the other women in my family who helped. You would think that the exhaustion would lead us to our beds but nope, it lead us to the "not so great" movie theatre to see the fourth installment of the Harry Potter movies. I highly recommend this film, the screenwritter was able to fit a 400+ book into a 3 hour movie. Brilliant! It was way better then the third one and all of it's far away shots and scenery. Mad Eye Moody was by far my favorite part, had me laughing outloud.
The movie experience was not all it's cracked up to be and it just rehashed the reason why my husband and I do not like movie theatres, the people. The theatre was packed to the gills and we just happened to be sitting in front of the worlds loudest commentator. There weren't enough shhs or stares in the world that could stop this pint size menece, did I mention he was like 10! Um hello there's a reason it was PG-13 so that little twerps like that can't get in. It finally took a very loud shhh and a dirty look to get him to shut his trap. Our next movie venture will be to see RENT, my all time favorite broadway production. Let's just hope that little kid isn't there telling me all about how Mimi loves Roger but they both have baggage so they have to part ways and oh they both have AIDS.
Saturday was spent on the couch doing absolutly nothing which includes not getting out of our PJs. Afterall why would one want to go shopping in a mall during the Thanksgiving weekend when they could sit around and catch up on their tivo? Crazyness!
Sunday was yard day, that little bug that so joyfully shows up in my ass showed itself again on Sunday. Up and at em I'm ready to rake leaves. clean the yard, get my bulbs in and put up the Christmas lights but alas I'm stopped with "it rained last night". Bummer, so I thought heck with it, it's only a little wet, we can get the yard done. 4 hours and soaking wet later the yard was void of leaves and the bulbs were in. The Christmas lights will have to wait.
I hope everyone elses weekend was as good as ours. Now what do I do with all the leftovers! EEK!
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Two Days and Counting
Yep, my first Thanksgiving dinner in which I have to cook! It's two days away and surprisingly I'm looking forward to it. There will be 10 of us, all the fixins, and a 20 pound turkey, do the math people that is 2 pounds of turkey per person! Thankfully, we don't have any vegitarians coming to dinner. Along with my bird recipe I'm also going to hunt down some turkey leftover meals for the next month!
Along with getting the food ready for Thursday we're also cleaning the house. We've lived there over a year and I don't think either of us knew that we had so much stuff. I'm walking around with a very large garbage bag and if I haven't touched it in a year I'm tossin it. If I didn't need it then what's gonna change in the near future that I will need it now. hmmm nothin'.
My husband was a little skeptical about me doing Thanksgiving in our small kitchen. I get frustrated trying to cook for two, what makes me think cooking for 20 will be any easier? So I've requested Friday off of work to recouperate from the stress that this will cause. Doesn't stress help you lose weight? Excellent, I can have seconds and stress off the food while I go along.
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Along with getting the food ready for Thursday we're also cleaning the house. We've lived there over a year and I don't think either of us knew that we had so much stuff. I'm walking around with a very large garbage bag and if I haven't touched it in a year I'm tossin it. If I didn't need it then what's gonna change in the near future that I will need it now. hmmm nothin'.
My husband was a little skeptical about me doing Thanksgiving in our small kitchen. I get frustrated trying to cook for two, what makes me think cooking for 20 will be any easier? So I've requested Friday off of work to recouperate from the stress that this will cause. Doesn't stress help you lose weight? Excellent, I can have seconds and stress off the food while I go along.
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Friday, November 18, 2005
Finding my direction
I've started this blog why? I'm not sure. I've got an extensive stash of blogs that I read on a daily basis and they all have "themes", mostly mommybloggers but there are a few that are more on the feminist front. So I'm trying to find my direction with this. I'm all for telling the world about the crap in the back yard that Baxter has left us to pick up this week or that my poor husband has a gall bladder problem but I think that would be too much information. I've been trying to figure out what and how much of my life I want to share on here. I've got no comments so that's a sign that no one is reading so I should just open up and spill it all right? I don't think so for fear that someone will actually find this and read it and get hurt. I've seen it happen people, these things are NOT a way to talk about people, they always find out.
So until I find my direction you're stuck with my ramblings :)
So until I find my direction you're stuck with my ramblings :)
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
I want this...

Santa if you are reading I've been really really good this year. Besides this I also want a new brown Coach purse (not too expensive) and a nice watch. I'll be sure to leave you your favorite cookies on Christmas Eve.
Monday, November 14, 2005
Killing the Mother would NOT have been good.
Ok, so we're back from the MOA and the shopping trip of the season. Man, that place was huge! It took us a better part of Saturday just to get through the first and second levels. And the people! I've never seen a mall so crowded in my life. Together my mother and I filled the "big" suitcase with our purchases. It wasn't hard, there's no tax on clothes and Eddie Bauer had a sale! Two of my favorite things, no taxes and a sale. Walked out with a nice new wardrobe. Not to forget but they also have a Legoland and well they had cool stuff so we picked up multiple sets for the nephews back home.
I realized that spending over 48 hours alone with my mother may not be happening again in the near future. Do NOT get me wrong I love my mother and well she paid for my flight but there's just something about being with her alone for that amount of time. I needed a "buffer". I'm one to be easily annoyed, especially before coffee and well she doesn't walk in a strait line so I had to bite my tounge alot. I'm sure that she doesn't do it on purpose but gosh, it was hard to not push her over. I remedied my frustration by just walking 2 steps behind her, watched for the sway and having multiple cups of coffee.
So that's it, I'm back in Illinois and I'm ready to sleep, the early morning return from out of town does wonders on your sleep or shall I say the lack of.
I realized that spending over 48 hours alone with my mother may not be happening again in the near future. Do NOT get me wrong I love my mother and well she paid for my flight but there's just something about being with her alone for that amount of time. I needed a "buffer". I'm one to be easily annoyed, especially before coffee and well she doesn't walk in a strait line so I had to bite my tounge alot. I'm sure that she doesn't do it on purpose but gosh, it was hard to not push her over. I remedied my frustration by just walking 2 steps behind her, watched for the sway and having multiple cups of coffee.
So that's it, I'm back in Illinois and I'm ready to sleep, the early morning return from out of town does wonders on your sleep or shall I say the lack of.