Monday, November 14, 2005


Killing the Mother would NOT have been good.

Ok, so we're back from the MOA and the shopping trip of the season. Man, that place was huge! It took us a better part of Saturday just to get through the first and second levels. And the people! I've never seen a mall so crowded in my life. Together my mother and I filled the "big" suitcase with our purchases. It wasn't hard, there's no tax on clothes and Eddie Bauer had a sale! Two of my favorite things, no taxes and a sale. Walked out with a nice new wardrobe. Not to forget but they also have a Legoland and well they had cool stuff so we picked up multiple sets for the nephews back home.

I realized that spending over 48 hours alone with my mother may not be happening again in the near future. Do NOT get me wrong I love my mother and well she paid for my flight but there's just something about being with her alone for that amount of time. I needed a "buffer". I'm one to be easily annoyed, especially before coffee and well she doesn't walk in a strait line so I had to bite my tounge alot. I'm sure that she doesn't do it on purpose but gosh, it was hard to not push her over. I remedied my frustration by just walking 2 steps behind her, watched for the sway and having multiple cups of coffee.

So that's it, I'm back in Illinois and I'm ready to sleep, the early morning return from out of town does wonders on your sleep or shall I say the lack of.

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